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Legal Contracts

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Legal Contracts

Contracts which are legally enforceable made between two or more parties that tells about what person can do and what cannot do, and when these contracts are made then promises are made between two or more parties that are upheld in the courts of law.
Legal Contracts are so useful because these contracts protect each other in the case of legal dispute. And Legal Contracts are more important because the party who sign the contract understand their responsibilities and rights within the contract.

Types of Legal Contrats

In law, there are several types of legal contract, few of them are given below

  • 1). Service Contract- It is an agreement made between contractor and consumer that covers warranty, guarantee, repairs, maintenance of purchased equipment from the contractor for a certain period.
  • 2). Employment Contract- It is an agreement made between employer and employee that defines what expectation is employer is expecting, terms and conditions, salary, rights, duties, rights of the both parties during the term of employment.
  • 3). Confidentially Agreement- This agreements become so popular now days, These contracts are basically made not to share the information which is received in confidentially. Example Trade Secret, Business News.
  • 4). Sales Contract- A contract made between shopkeeper and customer or any contract relating to the sale of any particular product in which the rights, duties and obligation are mentioned of both the parties.
  • 5). Partnership Agreement- An agreement between the partners of the partnership firm, in which duties, rights, how the salary will be distributes, how the entry of the new partner will be done, legal hire of partner in the case of death are mentioned in the partnership agreement.
  • 6). Loan Agreement- It is an agreement between lender who gives money and borrower who takes money. In this agreement the amount of money given by lender, On what terms and condition loan was given, repayment schedule, remedy in the case of default in payment etc are given

Some important essentials of Legal Contracts are as follows

  • 1. An agreement cannot be related to the illegal activity, if an agreement is related to illegal activity, then these agreement are null and void.
  • 2. An agreement must be must be made between sound body.
  • 3. An agreement must be signed by the parties of an agreement.
  • 4. Signature on the agreement will not be done by force.