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Legal Deeds

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Legal Deeds


Will is the legal declaration by a person for transfers his/her property to his/her relatives and others. The will is enforceable after the death of the testator. Will is always made by first person i.e., In will testator will bequeath all his movable and immovable properties to his legal heirs. There is basically two types of will:-

  • 1. Privileged Will
  • 2. Unprivileged Will

Power of Attorney is used to transfer the general or specific power to other for working on his behalf and sign legal documents on behalf of a person or company. It is a legal document describes various terms and conditions. There is two parties involve in Power of Attorney. First one is Principal who transfers their powers and the Second one is Agent who receives the powers. Power of Attorney can be classified by General Power of Attorney and Specific Power of Attorney.


In sale deed the parties involve is called SELLER and BUYER. Seller who transfer the right on property like right of possession and other rights and Buyer who receive all the legal rights on property in exchange of consideration in terms of money and other than money. This is a type of legal document draft on stamp paper. Stamp duty is paid on sale deed. Stamp duty is vary from state to state.


Relinquishment deed is an instrument whereby a person renounces a claim upon another or against any specific property which he is or may be entitled to inforce. Relinquishment deed is like release deed where if we considered from the point of view of the releaser it is called relinquishment deed and if we considered from the point of view of the person in whose favour the transaction operated it is called release deed.


Where two or more person or organizations are agree to distribute the profit and loss in a business it is called partnership. The contract between those person and partnership is called partnership deed. Our experts provide consultancy for making a partnership deed legally formed and attached with legal documents. In partnership "Partnership Deed" is the most important document which is enforceable by law.


Section 58 (a) of the TRANSFER OF PROPERTY ACT, 1882 Mortgage is transfer the interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money in the form of advance loan or the performance of an engagement which may give rise to pecuniary liability.

There are different kinds of mortgage for example:

  • 1. English Mortgage,
  • 2. Simple Mortgage,
  • 3. Unsufructuary Mortgage,
  • 4. Mortgage by title deed deposit,
  • 5. Anomalous Mortgage,
  • 6. and Mortgage by Conditional Sale etc.

When two or more parties involve in buying and selling activity of any movable and immovable property they entered into an agreement which is called sale agreement or agreement to sale. Agreement to sell is enforceable by law any both parties are legally enforced to do the act which is shown in agreement. We provide you the expert consultancy for drafting a sale agreement with legal terms and conditions.