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Trademark Renewal

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Trademark Renewal

The trademark holder has the freedom to get his registered trademark renewed indefinitely after every 10 years for which he gets a letter of reminder from the Registrar six months prior to the expiry of 10 years to get his trademark renewed and continue enjoying the rights associated with the registered trademark.In India, generally a trademark registration is valid for only ten years but if you want to extend the period of registration because of brand protection and legal protection you may apply for renewal of trademark.
You have to submit the renewal application to theRegistrar in form no (TM-R) with the prescribed fees before the expiration of your earlier registration. And now your registration will be continued for another 10 years and now you can enjoy again the benefits of trademark like you can use it again as brand, logo, slogan etc. Generally you have to apply before 6 month from the expiry of registration.

Documents Required for Trademark Renewal

There are certain document which you are required to submit for renewal given below

  • a- You have to submit Trademark Renewal Application in Form no (TM-R)
  • b- You have to submit the Trademark Registration Application
  • c- You have to submit original trademark application in form (TM-R)
  • d- You have to submit Proof of Identity and Address.
  • e- You have to submit Power of Attorney, if you an authorized representative or agent.
  • f- You have to submit the required fees.

Advantages of Trademark Renewal

The followings are the benefit of trademark renewal which are given below-

  • a- Maintains Brand Value
  • b- Enables Legal Action
  • c- Maintains Brand Protection
  • d- Prevents loss of exclusive rights
  • e- Facilitates licensing and franchising