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Trademark Registration

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Trademark Registration

Trademark is recognized as a type of intellectual property. As per the Trademarks Act, 1999, a trade mark ‘means a mark which is capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of a person's possessions from those of others, and this can include the way that the things are packaged and how the colours are arranged.
A trademark may be generic, descriptive, suggestive, fanciful or arbitrary type of mark. Registration of trademark provides you with legal protection and one has the legal right to take action against individuals or other companies that intend to make unauthorized use of intellectual property for personal benefit.

Advantages of Trademark:

  • Provides credibility to the brand.
  • Promotes global recognition and brand promotion.
  • Provides distinctive identity to the brand.
  • Provides an intangible asset to the company.
  • Presents as an indicator of quality and reputation.
Documents Required:
  • 1. Pan Card of the authorized signatory
  • 2. ID proof (Passport/Driver's License/Aadhar Card/Voter ID Card) of the authorized signatory
  • 3. Legal proof of registration of business
  • 4. Business Logo and User Affidavit
  • 5. Signed form-48 that authorizes the attorney to file a trademark application on behalf of the applicant with the Trademark Registrar.
Process to register Trademark:
  • 1. Filing of application for trademark registration.
  • 2. Allotment of application number.
  • 3. Issuance of examination report by the Authority :
    • (i) No objections made: - accepted for registration.
    • (ii) Objections raised (respond to examination) if required.
  • 4. Journal publication.
  • 5. Issuance of Registration Certificate. (For 10 years).